Wrapped Canvases & Prints

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Little Partners - Foals Canvas Art Print by Chris Cummings"Foals come in all shapes, sizes and colors, eager and full of potential. Hopefully they will...

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Meadow Music Studio Canvas by Rosemary Millette "The grandure of the Rocky Mountains and its golden aspen combine to make a wonderful setting for this elk...

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Near the Base of the Mountain - Moose Canvas Art Print by Dustin Van Wechel"While sketching and photographing moose in the Jackson Hole area, I witnessed a...

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O Beautiful for Spacious Skies Art Prints by Terry Redlin"I have great admiration for those pioneers who left the security of their homes and headed west in...

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Patient Suitor - Moose Art Prints by Michael Sieve"In the fall of 1998, I spent two weeks photographing the moose rut in Alaska. Among the moose we saw was...

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PickinÂ’ Up a New Pair of Heels - Cowboys Art Prints by Jason RichOpen edition art print depicting several cowboys working as a team roping cattle. From the...

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Pint-sized Paints Horses Canvas by Chris Cummings "No longer young foals dependent upon their mother, these yearlings are growing up fast, each one with the...

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Prairie Monarchs - Bison Art Prints by Rosemary Millette"The combination of the thunderhead clouds and bison seemed a natural pairing as both are a symbol,...

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Racing the Sun-Horses Canvas by Chris Cummings "The setting sun casts long shadows as these horses race across the open range, the gold highlights of their...

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Rapid Ascent - Pintails Canvas Art Print by David A. Maass"With storm clouds brewing and suspicions of an intruder, these pintails abandoned this small pond...

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Red Rock Remuda - Cowboys Art Prints by Jason RichOpen edition art print framed the Great Northern Art® Premium Collection depicting two cowboys herding a...

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Redhawk - Native American Portrait Art Prints by Russ Docken Limited edition of 450 signed and numbered art prints depicting a proud Native American warrior...

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Rocky Mountain Woodcut Canvases by Sam Timm Artistic interpretation of nature invites your own creative presentation. Versatile color choices allow you to...

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Rocky Mountains Wrapped Canvas Series by Sam TimmArtistic interpretation of nature invites your own creative presentation. Versatile color choices allow you...

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Rocky Outcrop - Mule Deer Art Print by Rosemary Millette"My husband and I had just returned from a November hunt in New Mexico and inspired by the beauty of...

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Running Free - Cowboy & Horses Art Prints by Jason Rich Limited edition of 450 signed and numbered art prints depicting a cowboy riding his horse alongside a...

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SheepÂ’s Camp - Bighorn Sheep Hunt Canvas Art Print by Michael Sieve"A sheep hunt certainly rivals as the ultimate North American big game hunt. Camping at...

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Spirit of the West - Cougar Canvas Art Print by Lee KromschroederPremier giclée canvas edition of 25 signed and numbered canvases depicting a mountain lion,...

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Stone Kings - Stone Sheep Art Prints by Michael Sieve Limited edition of 750 signed and numbered art prints made from the original oil painting depicting a...

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The Buffalo Hunters Art Prints by Michael Sieve Limited edition of 250 signed and numbered art prints made from the original oil painting depicting two men...

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The Burden Basket THE BURDEN BASKET by Russ Docken. The beauty and grace of the model, Veronica Phillips, inspired me to paint this work of art. With Apache...

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The Hour Before Dawn - Cowboy Art Prints by Laurie LeeOpen edition art print depicting a cowboy drinking his morning coffee beside his campfire while his dog...

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The Overseer - Bighorn Sheep Art Prints by Jim Kasper"The desert Bighorn sheep are special and an excellent example of an animal adapting to the harsh...

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Thunder Ridge - Horses Canvas Art Prints by Chris Cummings"Sunlight catches the horses against the dark clouds of a storm as they race across a ridge heading...